
Does Bleach Remove Soap Scum

  • How to clean a bathtub with baking soda
  • How to clean a bathtub with vinegar
  • How to make clean a bathtub with bleach

Whether you own a fiberglass bathtub or a luxurious copper bathtub, cleaning is an essential function of making you and your household happy. If proper upkeep is non maintained in a bathtub, mildew, mold and lather scum will naturally collect on the surface and edges. This will, of grade, result in both health bug likewise as rust or deterioration if neglected. Hither are some common cleaners, some natural solutions and a few chemical solutions that will continue your bathtub clean.

Bathroom, cleaning

What is the best manner to make clean your bathtub?

There are many solutions and cleaners out there, all with varying potencies, toxicities and sizes. Well, which is the best for cleaning your bathtub? Well, ultimately your decision will come down to ease of clean, price, and availability of substances.

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, in improver to helping with your baked goods also doubles as a decent cleaner for your bathtub. How information technology works is that baking soda reacts with the grease in stains to form glycerol, a mutual cleansing agent found in soaps. If it is mixed with vinegar it besides releases carbon dioxide, creating a weak alkali or acid that eliminates potent smells.

How to clean a bathtub with baking soda

To clean your bathtub, just sprinkle blistering soda on every surface that is dirty and then add together warm water. The mixture should begin to bubble and afterward about ii to 3 minutes, begin scrubbing. If yous have tough stains, combine your baking soda with either vinegar or ammonia. Your showerhead is a different story.

You can scrub it clean with blistering soda, only you'll be left with a gross white pic which volition be a pocket-sized hassle to remove. Instead, fill a plastic pocketbook with a mixture of vinegar and blistering soda, then fasten information technology to your showerhead and let it sit overnight. A like solution besides applies to your drain. You desire to dump half a cup of blistering soda downwards the drain with an equal amount of vinegar.

Facts about Cleaning with Baking Soda

  • Baking soda is cheap and non-toxic, pregnant it is very safe to use on about surfaces making information technology highly versatile
  • Will work on a wide diversity of surfaces and materials without fright of harming or damaging them long term
  • Volition too leave a very noticeable clean film behind after. And the blistering soda stain smudge may in fact be more difficult to remove than the original stain. As such, it is highly recommended that if you have a stone resin or wood bathtub, you should stay away from using baking soda to clean.
  • Will simply piece of work on mild scum or mildew build up, any larger clay build up will require a different cleaner.
  • Is considered a mild abrasive substance, and then it is appropriate to mix it with either vinegar or ammonia solutions to lessen any amercement to your bathtub due to over scrubbing
  • Labor intensive compared to other cleaners-you are looking to make it a good workout if y'all plan on using simply baking soda and warm water to clean your bathtub, which is the price you pay for a 'natural' cleaner.
  • Will corrode or damage enamel stop on bathtubs over time.

Baking Soda and Common Bathtub Materials:

Here is how baking soda effects these bathtub materials:

  • Fiberglass: Baking soda friendly
  • Porcelain: Baking soda friendly
  • Acrylic: Baking soda friendly
  • Ceramic: Baking soda friendly
  • Stone Resin: No blistering soda, volition leave film and impairment finish
  • Cast Fe: Baking soda friendly
  • Cultured Marble: Blistering soda friendly
  • Copper: Baking soda friendly
  • Wood: Baking soda ok-exercise not scrub besides difficult or use a steel wool to clean

Baking soda is a decent light-green alternative compared to harsh chemicals, but yous certainly do pay for it in other ways. The chemic reaction is a lot slower compared to other leading cleaners, pregnant that you have to supplement most of the cleaning with your ain musculus and cleaning pad. If you accept nada else in the business firm and you are trying to be economic, baking soda is a cracking choice, otherwise other cleaners might be a flake more efficient.


Another natural cleaner, similar to Baking Soda, vinegar or more specifically, white vinegar, cleans by chemic reaction on business relationship of its higher acidity, making it a good cleaner for accumulated soap scum and mildew. Similar to Baking Soda, it will also crave a decent amount of labor to get a surface clean.

How to clean a bathtub with vinegar

To clean your bathtub with vinegar, simply mix it with warm water and brainstorm scrubbing the surface of your problem area. If the stain persists, mix vinegar and baking soda and let sit down for a few minutes earlier vigorously scrubbing. Showerheads are much the same. Catch a plastic bag or simply remove your showerhead and submerge information technology in a blistering soda and vinegar solution over nighttime. Drains are the same as baking soda. You lot desire to dump half a loving cup of baking soda and around half a cup of vinegar in your drain.

Woman doing chores in bathroom, cleaning bathtub with spray and cloth

Facts about cleaning with Vinegar

As some other natural cleaner, information technology's acidity is very useful for removing build up or gunk on tiled surfaces. Anything that has stone or tile surfaces, it likewise does wonders on

  • Non-toxic and easy to use
  • Good versus soap scum build upwardly
  • Aside from tiled surfaces, if yous take a porcelain, marble bathtub or anything with a potent enamel finish
  • You may desire to stay away from vinegar as its acidity will corrode your bathtub that much quicker. You can easily solve this even so by diluting your vinegar solution with water.
  • While stronger than baking soda, will not remove heavy or deeper stains.

Vinegar and Common Bathtub Materials

  • Fiberglass:Vinegar friendly
  • Porcelain:Vinegar friendly, diluted only
  • Acrylic:Vinegar friendly
  • Ceramic:Vinegar friendly
  • Stone Resin:No Vinegar, acidic solutions volition damage the end
  • Bandage Iron:Vinegar friendly, diluted only
  • Cultured Marble: Vinegar friendly, diluted only
  • Copper: Vinegar friendly, diluted merely
  • Woods: Vinegar friendly, diluted only, no steel wool and do not scrub too hard

Another natural cleaner, vinegar is useful for cleaning your bathtub if you are shying away from any harsh chemicals. Although it is stronger than baking soda, information technology shares very similar negatives to it as well. Unless your bathtub is made from stone resin, rock tiles or metal, yous actually may want to stay away from both baking soda or vinegar, every bit the heavy scrubbing from both substances will eventually harm the enamel coating on your bathtub.


Moving out of natural safe cleaners, we have bleach. A highly toxic, potent corrosive substance.

How to make clean a bathtub with Bleach

Commencement and foremost, clear out your bathroom of all loofahs, brushes, carpets and rugs before you lot employ the bleach to your bathtub as information technology is quite toxic. Now, add about 118 milliliters of bleach to nearly a gallon of water.

Wearable protective gloves, eyewear and a face mask, and so dip a sponge and begin scrubbing. Also, you desire to be in a well ventilated area and please practise not mix bleach with whatsoever other household cleaners.
You are going to repeat this method for your showerhead too, scrubbing it clean with the same sponge that you used to clean your bathtub.

Afterwards, drain your bathtub and wash every surface off with warm h2o. To clean your bleed, only cascade roughly the same amount, most ane fourth of a cup in your drain. Though, keep in mind, repeating use of bleach on your bleed volition atomic number 82 to long term amercement over time.

Facts virtually cleaning with bleach

  • Cleans much quicker and more efficiently than both baking soda and vinegar combined.
  • All stains will come up off with little to no attempt physically.
  • Strong disinfectant
  • Removes strong odors
  • Highly constructive at cleaning and whitening any bathtub it is compatible with
  • Highly toxic, and if not handled properly, y'all may hospitalize yourself and those around y'all. The gas it emits tin damage your eyes, lungs and stomach lining if exposed in an expanse without proper ventilation or protection. If mixed with other cleaning products such as ammonia, it will create a toxic gas.
  • Invariably, in that location are some materials that bleach can hands impairment-if your bathtub has any traces of atomic number 26 in information technology, stay away from bleach as information technology will create red streaks all along the surface of your bathtub that will be difficult to remove.
  • If your bathtub has an acrylic or enamel coating, it is highly recommended you stay away from bleach as well, as it will invariably lead to further corrosive damage downwards the road.

Bleach and Common Bathtub Materials:

  • Fiberglass: Bleach friendly
  • Porcelain: Bleach friendly, white porcelain just! Whatever other porcelain will discolor.
  • Acrylic: No bleach, volition damage the coating
  • Ceramic: Bleach friendly
  • Rock Resin: Bleach friendly
  • Cast Iron: No bleach, will get out cerise streaks along your bathtub
  • Cultured Marble: Bleach friendly, diluted with water only! Do non use concentrated bleach with cultured marble or it will harm the fabric
  • Copper: No bleach, almost metal substances volition stain in the presence of bleach
  • Wood: No bleach, will corrode and eat through your wooden bathtub

Bleach is a highly constructive cleaner. Information technology is also very toxic and hazardous if not used properly. Many would advise using bleach equally there are plenty of alternatives, simply for ease of access and speed of cutting through nearly all grime and gunk, bleach is unmatched compared to more natural solutions.

Only be safe and well-equipped while using information technology otherwise you may accept other issues than a muddy bathtub. There are also other cleaning products such as Comet or Ajax which contain bleach, only are overly less potent than concentrated bleach which might be more suitable for your cleaning situation and be much safer to handle.

In closing, whether y'all adopt the natural cleaners to the more than heavy chemical side, you have many options today. If you adopt weekly maintenance, natural solutions such equally vinegar, lemon and baking soda tin can practise the trick, though if you await for months without upkeep, bleach tin be quite an constructive way to restoring your bathtub and bathroom to a more liveable state.

Does Bleach Remove Soap Scum,


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